April 3, 2022 No. 9
Today’s blog message focuses on Lamentations 3:19 – 26. I don’t know how familiar the book of Lamentations is to our readers. The book was written by Jeremiah. He is sometimes known as the “weeping prophet.” He wept over the plight he found his people in, because they rebelled against God.
I presented a lesson in my Sunday school class today. The message had to do with how Christianity is awaiting the return of our Savior and Master, Jesus Christ. The author of the lesson highlighted the fact that we as Christians need to remain alert and vigilant in times of waiting and to trust God at all times. We are not to be looking at how to figure out when the End Times are going to fall upon the earth so that God’s blissful heaven will become a reality for us. NO ONE KNOWS WHEN CHRIST WILL RETURN! Not even Jesus knows the time of the End.
So what about Lamentations 3:19 – 26? Jeremiah wept over his people. Our class members today discussed and agreed upon the fact that with Christ as our comparative model, the world is descending into depths morally and socially as has never been witnessed before. As a retired teacher, I am told by my former colleagues that I retired at the right time, because I “would never have made it (under the current conditions).” I had a way of demanding “law and order” in my classroom. It appears that this approach to teaching and learning is non-existent in today’s educational world. This makes me sad, sometimes to the point of tears.
“Yet there is … hope” (Lamentations 3:21 TLB). “(God’s) compassion never ends. The Lord is wonderfully good to those who wait for him, to those who seek for him” (Lamentations 3:22, 25 TLB). Because no one can identify when Jesus will return to claim his believers and take us to heaven, our option is to place our hope in Christ. Have no doubt—God is still in command…in control of it all!
So, as we approach the Easter Holy Days, let us be vigilant. Let us keep our eyes upon the Eastern sky as we await the return of Christ. But as we wait, let us share the love of Jesus wherever and with whomever we can. God Bless…
So many have tried, and still try, to predict when Jesus will return. I don’t know why they think they could figure out something that Jesus Himself didn’t know. I know that He is coming back and the Day is coming and getting closer every minute, but that’s all I know. And that’s enough for me.